How many running episodes?
- Runs scheduled on days 1(20km), 6(14km), 7(18km) and 8 (20km and 8km).
How many days of cycling?
- Cycling on all 8 days of expedition.
Smelly kit & Laundry?
- Worried that eight days in the same kit will scare off most of the wild life in the area, Gregg has organised laundry service for sport gear on day 2,4 & 6 of Wild Coast 3000. This is a 2 day return service, and tagged laundry bags will be provided. Please do not expect ironing! It is just hand washed, enough to make the niff a little more tolerable by day 8.
Evening wear?
- Normal casual clothes. Jeans, T-shirt, jumper etc.
Camping or in buildings?
- The entire expedition is a mixture of outdoor tented camps (with Bedouin style communal areas) and existing lodges along the way.
- Days – between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius. Nights – between 5 and 15 degrees Celsius. In this part of the world at this time of the year, temperatures can vary a lot depending on which direction the wind is coming from.